Friday, December 23, 2011

Why am I doing this again?

 The triathlon that I am training for will be fun (hopefully) and exciting (either for the good or the bad) event, but mostly it is a fundraiser for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.  In exchange for coaching, information and motivation I must raise over $3,500 for the Society.  Why am I doing this again?

Before a bike ride couple of weeks ago my Team in Training Mentor, Howard shared his story with our team.  Howard is a self proclaimed non athlete.  He has told me “I am not built for speed, I like to say.  Rather, I am built for comfort and working in IT.”  He clams that he runs like a penguin, (I do too) and can run a marathon in the time it takes some people to run two. So why do you think a guy like that would become a triathlon participant, much less a mentor? 

That morning Howard thanked us for raising money with Team in Training and thanked all who have participated in the past.  He told us that he joined the team to give back to those who have given to him.  That particular day was the tenth anniversary day of Howard’s diagnosis with Leukemia.  On the day of his diagnosis Howard had a three year old daughter and his wife was pregnant with their second child.  He was expected to live two years.  His daughter would be in Kindergarten then.  I can only imagine how devastating that diagnosis was to Howard’s young family.  A new drug saved Howard’s life.  His cancer is now “stable”, and he was spared the terrible pain and ordeal of a bone marrow transplant.  This drug was developed using funds raised by the Leukemia Lymphoma Society with the help of Team in Training. 

So, when I am whining or complaining that I have to get up at 7am for a team swim or that my legs are sore from an especially difficult spin class I stop myself and remember the reason I am doing this.  Howard’s story even puts shin splints into perspective. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

A minor problem and a major problem

The minor problem is my stomach.  I am having trouble figuring out what to eat for breakfast that will consistently feel good in my stomach while I am exercising.  I started with a protein shake.  It was great one morning.  The next time I tried it it sat in my stomach like a cold wet rock.  I tried it one more time, but not cold.  It made me nauseous.  I moved on to Power Bar energy chews.  They were great on Wednesday, but not this morning and they have no protein.  Bread seems to work, but it also has no protein.  You athletes out there, what do you use?  Any suggestions?

The major problem is the shin splints.  I am STILL not over them.  I cannot run more that three miles per hour without feeling enormous pain.  Three miles per hour is not a challenge and does not even raise my heart rate.  This morning I was whining and crying on the treadmill, but could not go any faster.  I never last more than fifteen minutes on the treadmill.  I always give up and move onto the elliptical.  Apparently shin splints is not a pain that you can or should work through.  The elliptical gets my heart rate up and works the same muscles as running without any painful pounding, but I cannot use the elliptical during the race.  I am so worried that I will never beyond this.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

always double check your gym bag

I don’t like to drive in my bicycle shoes, so I keep them in my gym bag until I get to the gym and put them on there.  That’s a good system when they are actually IN the gym bag.  This morning I did a spin class in backless mules.    Hey!  At least I wasn’t wearing heals.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Early Saturday

I love Saturdays!  You get to sleep in, wake up slowly and gradually let the day unfold around you.  Those were my Saturdays BEFORE I started training for a triathlon.  Tomorrow I need to be up at 5am, leave the house by 5:30 and be at spin class no later than 6:30am.  What kind of Saturday is that?! 

Just looking for a little sympathy 


Monday, November 28, 2011

One of my many fundraisers

to benefit
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

The fine print:
$10 per box
Box sales and selection are on a first come, first serve basis
Chose any square you want that hasn't already been taken
No min/max - buy as many as you want
You can pay cash or write a check to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

The numbers that go along with each row/column will be randomly drawn after all boxes have been sold.  This makes it so that everyone has the same opportunity to get any set of numbers.  It also means you don't have to know anything about football as it all comes down to the luck of the draw.

$500 to the winner
$500 to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Winner is determined by the FINAL score of Super Bowl XLVI

See Laura to pick your box

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Better now

As it turns out I was too sick to swim on Tuesday night.  I went to the doctor yesterday and was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection.  I started taking antibiotics right away and  already feel a lot better.  Back on the road tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Then I entered the world of reality....

A lot has happened since my last post.  On Saturday we had a group “ride”; well actually, it was a spin class, a two hour swim orientation, and a personal swim evaluation.  Let me tell you about the swim evaluation.  I have been swimming since I was two years old.  I took lessons at a young age, and lifeguarded when I was in college.  I was so cocky and confident that the instructor would be so impressed with my skills that he would use me as an example for others to follow.  Maybe he would tweak one or two things, but that would be all I would need. 

Then I entered the world of reality.   The first humbling experience had nothing to do with my swim skills.  The instructor had us put our bathing suits on and get in a pool that he had specifically made for swim instruction.  This pool is about three feet deep with mirrors on the bottom and a video camera in the corner.  Now if I was a fit, trim triathlete it may not have been such a horrifying experience, but who wants to see a bowl of jello wobbling around in a bathing suit?  Then came the instruction.  Now during the orientation the coach told us how everybody naturally does a freestyle stroke in sort of an S shape.  Of course, I’m thinking “I don’t do that. My stroke is perfect”.  I was also thinking that I keep my arms parallel to each other and my body parallel to the ground and that my breathing technique was correct.  NOT!  It was all there in front of me, on the video, in black and white.  I have accumulated and perfected years of poor technique.  Now I have five months to get out of my old habits and create new ones.  Easier said than done.  I am as sick as a dog today, but come hell or high water I will not miss my swim with the TEAM.  I need an instructor standing over me correcting my form on every stroke.  Time to start good habits.  Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My first group "run"

Yesterday was a big day for this slow fat triathlete.  It started with a team meeting where we had an orientation, received our official training schedule and then went for our first team run.  I knew that I was in trouble during the orientation when everyone went around an introduced themselves.  Among the group were Ironman competitors, half Ironman competitors and people who have done dozens of triathlons and marathons before.  In fact, I was one of only two people in the room who has never done a triathlon, the other being a twenty-something girl who has done other endurance events and just wanted to challenge herself with something new.    
Then was the run…We all went outside, put our stuff in our cars, met up and began running.  I started in the first half of the group, but was dead last by the time we left the parking lot, and far behind shortly after we hit the road.  My right leg could have kept going all day, but my lungs and my left leg had another idea in mind.  I’ve got to keep up with the shin splint stretches.  I kept on going and kept on watching the rest of the group get further and further ahead of me.  At one point they were so far ahead I could not see them at all.  In about fifteen minutes they turned around and headed back.  I waited for them to catch up with me “running” in the other direction before I turned around.  For one split second I was in front of the pack.  They all encouraged me and cheered me on as they passed.  I was very grateful for that.  I ran in with the last two of them.  Back at the parking lot I was given tips and more encouragement.  The coach says that if I stick to the training schedule I would have no trouble finishing the run.  The training schedule is my new bible. 
Tuesday is the first group swim.  I am hoping to redeem myself then!  Wish me luck. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Wish me luck!

I'm going to have my first run with the team tomorrow.  Here's to hoping that I am not so far behind everyone that I embarrass myself!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Why “Slow, Fat, Triathlete”?

Laura, surely you could have picked a more flattering title for your blog.  I’m sure that I could have, but to be honest I stole the title from a book.  The book is called, you guessed it: Slow Fat Triathlete by Jayne Williams.  In this book Williams chronicles her journey from an obese couch potato to a triathlete.  Through personal anecdotes, she encourages and inspires newbies giving important information and practical advice along the way.  She is so funny and inspiring.  She makes the idea of completing a triathlon seem feasible to even the most out of shape person, like me  My only problem with it is that she wrote the book first. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Recently, I’ve learned two new bad words:  shin splints.  UGH!  They start just minutes into my running and make every step painful, almost unbearable.  Just to give myself a little kudos, I still finished my run.    I can’t blame my sneakers.  They are actually the kind you get to prevent shin splints.  I would like to blame the tread mill.  I was right to look for a soft, empty soccer field last weekend.   I can only blame myself.  If I had exercised even a little routinely over the last four years my legs wouldn’t be in shock and rebellion over the upheaval of their normal, restful, and frankly quite comfortable routine. More stretches and exercises, athletic leg sleeves, and a visit to the podiatrist should have me back on the treadmill in no time.  Meanwhile I’ll still be on the lookout for an empty soccer field. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011


No, I cannot honestly report that I ran for 2 hours AND 20 minutes.  I can report that what should have been a 20 minute run took 2 hours from start to finish.  I was all set to go.  I had my new running sneakers, the ones that look like orthotics.  I had my new running shirt on and my new heart rate monitor.  I was all revved up and ready to go.  I drove to the local school, so that I can run on their soccer fields.  Somewhere I read that new runners should not start on pavement.  Being new at the slow, fat triathlete thing I wanted to do everything by the book.  I got out of the car, all ready to run, and there was a game on each field.  That’s OK, you say, there’s enough of a shoulder just around the perimeter of the field.  You can run there.  No…I just could not bear the thought of running around the soccer field, with all the soccer moms watching me, and just happening to notice that their eight year daughters are faster than I am.  So I drove to another school, more soccer games, and another school, more soccer games.  Heck!  Is there anyone in the town of Northport that is NOT at a soccer game?  This won’t discourage me.  I got back in the car and drove to the nearest state park.  I got out of the car, tightened my shoe laces, figured out all of the fancy settings of my new heart rate monitor and started my run.  UGH!  My pants started falling down.  It’s not really a problem is it?  I really wanted to start my run so I kept going unfortunately, so did my pants.  They got lower and lower with every step.  I am not going to stop.  I’ll just pull them up.  I did, over and over again.  I’ll keep going.  I’ll just hold my pants up as I run.  UGH!  Who was I kidding?  I can’t run this way.  Back in the car, back home.  Maybe I just want to give up for the day.  I can’t say that I didn’t try.  OH NO!  Did I post on my blog that I would go for a run on Sunday?  I did, and now I have to.  Change of pants, a ride by the local school, just in case.  Soccer.  How long do these soccer games last anyway?  The state park is just too far to drive to again. Turn around and drive over to the local hiking trails.  After that my first run was almost uneventful.  It wasn’t easy, but I managed with only one slight ankle twist.  I’ll try running again on Thursday.  Tuesday Swimming, Wednesday biking. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

My first run

Barring bad weather I am going to go for a run on Sunday.  There!  I put it out there so now I have to do it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


A triathlon?  An OLYMPIC Triathlon? Laura, are you crazy?  Yeah, I’m pretty sure that I am.  You would think that getting winded just running around the block would deter me from such a thing.  But I need exercise, and I know myself, and I know that I will NOT exercise for the fun of it.  “What fun?”  you ask.  My point exactly.  So I need a goal, something to motivate me.  My pattern is to sign up for a completely unrealistic event, one so out of my reach it is laughable, and then work towards it.  In 1998 I signed up for a cross continental bicycle ride.  I didn’t even own a bike at the time.  Somehow I did the ride and survived.  My goal is, and always has been, not to win, or even place in my division.  My single and only goal is to finish the race without completely embarrassing myself.  Thanks to the Leukemia Lymphoma Society I will be on a strict training schedule with patient (hopefully) and qualified coaches.  The catch is that I have to raise $3,525 for blood cancer research.  Hey!  Maybe I will save some lives other than my own. 
Follow me here.  I’ll try to post updates at least once a week discussing my plans, my progress my pitfalls, and my embarrassments. 


No, I don't have enough to do.  Currently I am working two jobs, planning a