Friday, December 23, 2011

Why am I doing this again?

 The triathlon that I am training for will be fun (hopefully) and exciting (either for the good or the bad) event, but mostly it is a fundraiser for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.  In exchange for coaching, information and motivation I must raise over $3,500 for the Society.  Why am I doing this again?

Before a bike ride couple of weeks ago my Team in Training Mentor, Howard shared his story with our team.  Howard is a self proclaimed non athlete.  He has told me “I am not built for speed, I like to say.  Rather, I am built for comfort and working in IT.”  He clams that he runs like a penguin, (I do too) and can run a marathon in the time it takes some people to run two. So why do you think a guy like that would become a triathlon participant, much less a mentor? 

That morning Howard thanked us for raising money with Team in Training and thanked all who have participated in the past.  He told us that he joined the team to give back to those who have given to him.  That particular day was the tenth anniversary day of Howard’s diagnosis with Leukemia.  On the day of his diagnosis Howard had a three year old daughter and his wife was pregnant with their second child.  He was expected to live two years.  His daughter would be in Kindergarten then.  I can only imagine how devastating that diagnosis was to Howard’s young family.  A new drug saved Howard’s life.  His cancer is now “stable”, and he was spared the terrible pain and ordeal of a bone marrow transplant.  This drug was developed using funds raised by the Leukemia Lymphoma Society with the help of Team in Training. 

So, when I am whining or complaining that I have to get up at 7am for a team swim or that my legs are sore from an especially difficult spin class I stop myself and remember the reason I am doing this.  Howard’s story even puts shin splints into perspective. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

A minor problem and a major problem

The minor problem is my stomach.  I am having trouble figuring out what to eat for breakfast that will consistently feel good in my stomach while I am exercising.  I started with a protein shake.  It was great one morning.  The next time I tried it it sat in my stomach like a cold wet rock.  I tried it one more time, but not cold.  It made me nauseous.  I moved on to Power Bar energy chews.  They were great on Wednesday, but not this morning and they have no protein.  Bread seems to work, but it also has no protein.  You athletes out there, what do you use?  Any suggestions?

The major problem is the shin splints.  I am STILL not over them.  I cannot run more that three miles per hour without feeling enormous pain.  Three miles per hour is not a challenge and does not even raise my heart rate.  This morning I was whining and crying on the treadmill, but could not go any faster.  I never last more than fifteen minutes on the treadmill.  I always give up and move onto the elliptical.  Apparently shin splints is not a pain that you can or should work through.  The elliptical gets my heart rate up and works the same muscles as running without any painful pounding, but I cannot use the elliptical during the race.  I am so worried that I will never beyond this.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

always double check your gym bag

I don’t like to drive in my bicycle shoes, so I keep them in my gym bag until I get to the gym and put them on there.  That’s a good system when they are actually IN the gym bag.  This morning I did a spin class in backless mules.    Hey!  At least I wasn’t wearing heals.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Early Saturday

I love Saturdays!  You get to sleep in, wake up slowly and gradually let the day unfold around you.  Those were my Saturdays BEFORE I started training for a triathlon.  Tomorrow I need to be up at 5am, leave the house by 5:30 and be at spin class no later than 6:30am.  What kind of Saturday is that?! 

Just looking for a little sympathy 
