Wednesday, February 13, 2013


The FOURTH doctor in as many weeks has told me that biking and running are out.  He’s the second one that actually laughed at me when I suggested triathlon training.  Poor guy, I drilled him.  What about a stationary bike? (yes), spin class? (no)  Can I hike? (no)  What activities can I do outside? (swimming – really?  It’s February)  

I am SO BUMMED!  I actually ENJOYED doing the workouts last year.  I would bitch and moan about riding up a difficult hill in Northport, but I secretly liked it, and felt so good about it afterwards. I had my little training calendar and followed it like it was my bible.  (Well, I followed it the best that I could).  I would go to work that morning and put a check next to the completed workout.  I was never a fast triathlete but I had a routine, and I loved it.

I’m going to see the doctor again tomorrow.  I’m writing a list of questions to ask him.  Can I use the elliptical?  How long am I banned from training?  Until I feel better?  Until you tell me I am not?  Forever?  Maybe I’ll have to change the name of my blog to Former Slow, Fat, Triathlete.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Still benched

The doctor said that if I injure my back any further I will need emergency surgery.  I'm still raising money though.  As soon as I get the thumbs up I want to be back on the road training.  Meanwhile I am mentoring other athletes so that they will find their Team in Training experience a positive one.  Together we can find a cure!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Since my back hasn't gotten much better in the last few weeks I went to see a back specialist this morning.  He looked at the MRI that I brought with me.  He poked me and prodded me, asked me a few questions and then ordered another MRI.  I told him that I needed to get fixed right away because I am training for a triathlon I wish it were that easy.  He told me that training would only exacerbate the problem.  I, not wanting to stop training tried to pin him dawn.  What would the problem be? Is it the swimming, the biking or the running?  I was hoping that he would say the running then I could explain to him that my run is more like a slow meander and he would tell me to carry on, plus I would have a great excuse to not work harder on my running, but he banned all three. He said that any exercise will be tough on my body right now.  UGH!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Too cold to workout outside (I'm a wus.) and my gym had no hot water for the last few days. So proud of myself. I found a new place to workout and didn't miss a single day this week

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Introducing: The Lady Lenore

I've had my bike close to sixteen years, and FINALLY found a name that suits her.  The Lady Lenore is named after a fictional violin and I'll buy a drink for anyone that knows who owned that violin.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

On the road again……..

I've taken a hiatus for the last couple of weeks after the doctor told me to lay off exercise.  Eight or so years ago I herniated a disc in my back.  It’s never been quite right since.  It always bothers me a little, but most days it is like background noise.  I am used to it and I barely notice it.   Sometime between Christmas and New Year’s it started to bother me a lot.  By New Year’s Eve I was walking with a limp.  I had to cancel my plans and go see the doctor.  I told him that I was training for a triathlon and I was hoping that he would say “good!  Exercise is just the thing that you need.”  But he told me that I could swim.  He hesitated about the biking and told me flat out to not run.  I asked if I could do the elliptical in lieu of the run.  His answer was: “You know what, just stay off the exercise for a while.”  I was going bat crazy and becoming lazy, neither of which is good.   The doctor gave me a week’s worth of meds and told me to contact him if it still bothered me in a week.  It did, but not as bad.  I spent the next week playing phone tag with the doctor and have now given up getting a hold of him.  Unable to get his permission I've diagnosed myself ready to go back to the gym, and I was SO HAPPY to be back there this morning.  Still got to get my back better though.